Useful Commands

  • Print information about the environments.

    reward info
  • Run only the db container

    reward env up -- db
  • Launch a shell session within the project environment’s php-fpm container:

    reward shell
    # or launch an `sh` shell in the nginx container
    reward shell sh --container nginx
  • Start a stopped environment:

    reward env start
  • Stop a running environment:

    reward env stop
  • Forcefully recreate a container:

    reward env up --force-recreate --no-deps php-fpm
  • Remove the environment and volumes completely:

    reward env down -v
  • Import a database:

    # for plain SQL database dump you can simply use os' stdin
    reward db import < /path/to/dump.sql
    # for compressed database dump
    gunzip /path/to/dump.sql.gz -c | reward db import


    If you face some weird issues during the database import, you can try to increase the line buffer. By default it’s 10 MB.

    reward db import –line-buffer 50 < /path/to/dump.sql

  • Pass additional flags to MySQL during the import.

    Note the “empty” double dashes (--) here. All the stuff after them will be passed to MySQL.

    # mysql --force
    reward db import -- --force
  • Run complex MySQL queries directly using reward db connect:

    # Note: to pass arguments use double dash to terminate Reward's argument parsing and escape the special characters [;'"]*
    # Run inline query:
    $ reward db connect -- -e \"SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema=\'magento\' ORDER BY table_name LIMIT 5\;\"
    # Run query passing a bash variable (note the escaped quote):
    $ MYSQL_CMD="\"SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema='magento' ORDER BY table_name LIMIT 5;\""
    $ reward db connect -- -e $MYSQL_CMD
    # Run multiple queries/commands using heredoc:
    $ MYSQL_CMD=$(cat <<"EOF"
    "SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema='magento' ORDER BY table_name LIMIT 5;
    $ reward db connect -- -e $MYSQL_CMD
  • Dump database:

    reward db dump | gzip -c > /path/to/db-dump.sql.gz
  • Connect database using root user:

    reward db connect --root
  • Monitor database processlist:

    watch -n 3 "reward db connect -- -e \'show processlist\'"
  • Tail environment nginx and php logs:

    reward env logs --tail 0 -f nginx php-fpm php-debug
  • Tail the varnish activity log:

    reward env exec -T varnish varnishlog
  • Clean varnish cache:

    reward env exec varnish varnishadm 'ban req.url ~ .'
    # or you can use this, these commands are identical:
    reward shell --container varnish varnishadm 'ban req.url ~ .'
  • Connect to redis:

    reward env exec redis redis-cli
  • Flush redis completely:

    reward env exec -T redis redis-cli flushall

Further Information

You can call --help for any of reward’s commands. For example reward --help or reward env --help for more details and useful command information.