Downloading Reward



Step by Step installation on Ubuntu

$ curl -fsSLO "`uname -s`_`uname -m`.deb"
$ sudo dpkg -i "reward_`uname -s`_`uname -m`.deb"

CentOS and Fedora

$ yum install -y "`uname -s`_`uname -m`.rpm"

Binary Download

$ curl -fsSLO "`uname -s`_`uname -m`.tar.gz"
$ tar -zxvf "reward_`uname -s`_`uname -m`.tar.gz" -C /usr/local/bin/
$ rm -f "reward_`uname -s`_`uname -m`.tar.gz"
$ chmod +x /usr/local/bin/reward


You can install reward using Homebrew or by downloading the binary itself and putting it to PATH.

Using Homebrew

$ brew install rewardenv/tap/reward

Binary download

$ curl -fsSLO "`uname -s`_`uname -m`.tar.gz"
$ tar -zxvf "reward_`uname -s`_`uname -m`.tar.gz" -C /usr/local/bin/
$ rm -f "reward_`uname -s`_`uname -m`.tar.gz"
$ chmod +x /usr/local/bin/reward


Download Reward from this link and extract to any folder like C:\bin. Please make sure that folder is in you PATH environment variable.

You can find a nice guide here about how to configure PATH in Windows.

Updating Reward

When Reward is already installed on your system, you can do a self-update running reward self-update command.

If you installed it using a package manager on linux, you will have to run it as superuser with sudo reward self-update.

Next Steps

You will have to run reward install to initialize Reward. See more in the Setting Up