Reward Settings

During the installation of Reward a global configuration file will be created in the user’s HOME directory, called ~/.reward.yml. It is possible to configure various settings of Reward in this configuration file, like what container image should Reward use for global services, what image repo should it use, etc.

Available settings

Set the logging level. Default is info.

  • log_level: info - valid options: trace, debug, info, warning, error.

Enable debug logging (set log level to debug).

  • debug: false - valid options: false, true

    Many options including this can be configured using an environment variable.

    DEBUG=true reward env up

Disable default common services. These services are enabled by default.

  • reward_portainer: true - valid options: false, true

  • reward_dnsmasq: true - valid options: false, true

  • reward_tunnel: true - valid options: false, true

  • reward_mailbox: true - valid options: false, true

  • reward_phpmyadmin: true - valid options: false, true

  • reward_elastichq: true - valid options: false, true

Enable additional common services. These services are disabled by default.

  • reward_adminer: false - valid options: false, true

Service Container Settings

It’s possible to change service container images using the following vars.

  • reward_traefik_image: "traefik"

  • reward_portainer_image: "portainer/portainer-ce"

  • reward_dnsmasq_image: ""

  • reward_mailbox_image: ""

  • reward_tunnel_image: ""

  • reward_phpmyadmin_image: "phpmyadmin"

  • reward_elastichq_image: "elastichq/elasticsearch-hq"

  • reward_adminer_image: "dehy/adminer"

By default, Traefik listens on To change this behaviour you can add the following line to the config file and change the IP address to to listen on localhost only. It is also possible to change the listening ports.

  • reward_traefik_listen: ""

  • reward_traefik_http_port: "80"

  • reward_traefik_https_port: "443"

You can also add additional http and https ports on top of the defaults (80, 443). This is useful when you want to expose a service on a different port than the default ones. See more info in the Open Ports section.

  • reward_traefik_bind_additional_http_ports: [] - valid option example: [8080, 8081]

  • reward_traefik_bind_additional_https_ports: [] - valid option example: [8443, 9443]

By default, Reward makes it possible to resolve the environment’s domain to the nginx container’s IP address inside the docker network. To disable this behaviour you add this line to the config file.

  • reward_resolve_domain_to_traefik: false

By default, Reward redirects all http traffic to https. To disable this behaviour you add this line to the config file.

  • reward_traefik_allow_http: true

Logging level of traefik (default: “info”).

  • reward_traefik_log_level: info

It is possible to change DNSMasq listen address and ports. By default, DNSMasq listens on and on port 53.

  • reward_dnsmasq_listen: ""

  • reward_dnsmasq_tcp_port: "53"

  • reward_dnsmasq_udp_port: "53"

By default, only the UDP port 53 is exposed from the dnsmasq container. Sometimes it doesn’t seem to be enough, and the TCP port 53 has to be exposed as well. To do so enable the reward_dnsmasq_bind_tcp variable in the ~/.reward.yml file.

  • reward_dnsmasq_bind_tcp: false

  • reward_dnsmasq_bind_udp: true

It is possible to change Tunnel listen address and ports. By default, Tunnel listens on and on port 2222.

  • reward_tunnel_listen: ""

  • reward_tunnel_port: "2222"

By default, Reward is not allowed to run commands as root. To disable this check you can add the following setting to the config.

  • reward_allow_superuser: true

By default, Reward is going to use Mutagen sync for macOS and Windows. If you want to disable Mutagen you can set this in Reward config. Also, on Windows with WSL2 it’s possible to use well performing direct mount from WSL2’s drive. It is disabled by default. To enable this functionality, disable syncing with the following line to the config.

  • reward_sync_enabled: false

Previously Reward used CentOS 7 and later Debian based images, now the defaults are ubuntu based images. If you’d like to experiment with custom images you can do it with this flag.

  • reward_docker_image_base: debian-buster

By default Reward uses separated nginx + php-fpm containers. Enabling this setting will merge them to one “web” container.

  • reward_single_web_container: true