Initializing PWA Studio

Prerequisites in Magento

From PWA Studio 12.1 you have to install PWA Studio metapackage in your Magento instance.

If you run Magento as a Reward Environment, run the following commands in the PHP container:

composer require magento/pwa

# If you want to install sample data
composer require magento/venia-sample-data

php bin/magento setup:upgrade
php bin/magento setup:di:compile
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy -f
php bin/magento indexer:reindex
php bin/magento cache:clean

Running Default PWA Studio

  1. Clone your project and initialize Reward.

    $ git clone ~/Sites/pwa-studio
    $ cd ~/Sites/pwa-studio
    $ reward env-init pwa-studio --environment-type=pwa-studio
  2. Sign a certificate for your project

    $ reward sign-certificate pwa-studio.test
  3. Fill up the .env file with samples and change some settings

    $ cat docker/ >> .env
  4. Update package.json and add these to the scripts part.

    Note: it seems like PWA Studio 12.x ignores the DEV_SERVER_PORT variable, so we override it from the command line.

    "watch": "yarn watch:venia --disable-host-check --public pwa-studio.test --port 8000",
    "start": "yarn stage:venia --disable-host-check --public pwa-studio.test --port 8000"
    # you can use this script if you are familiar with jq
    cat package.json | jq --arg domain "$DOMAIN" -Mr '. * {scripts:{watch: ("yarn watch:venia --public " + $domain + " --disable-host-check --port 8000"), start: ("yarn stage:venia --public " + $domain + " --disable-host-check --port 8000")}}' | tee package.json


    We have to add both –disable-host-check (to skip host header verification) and –public (to let webpack dev server know it is behind a proxy and it shouldn’t add custom port to it’s callback URLs).

  5. Bring up the environment

    $ reward env up
  6. Install its dependencies

    $ reward shell
    $ yarn install
  7. Restart the PWA container

    $ reward env restart
  8. Optional: if you’d like to run the project in Developer/Production mode, add the following line to your .env file

    # Developer Mode (default)
    DOCKER_START_COMMAND="yarn watch"
    # Production Mode
    DOCKER_START_COMMAND="yarn start"

Reach a Reward Magento backend environment

If your PWA’s Magento backend is also running on your computer as a Reward environment, you will have to configure the PWA container to resolve the Magento DNS to the Reward Traefik container.

To do so add a space separated list of domains to the TRAEFIK_EXTRA_HOSTS variable in the .env file.

  • TRAEFIK_EXTRA_HOSTS="otherproject.test thirdproject.test"