SPX Support

To enable SPX support, you need to set the REWARD_SPX=true environment variable in the .env file.

Then run reward env up to apply the changes.

In this case a new container will be created, called php-spx, which will have the SPX extension installed.

All requests that contain one of the following will be forwarded to the php-spx container:

  • SPX_ENABLED cookie

  • SPX_KEY cookie

  • SPX_ENABLED argument in the URL (e.g. https://m2.test/?SPX_ENABLED=1)

  • SPX_KEY argument (e.g. ?SPX_KEY=dev)

  • SPX_UI_URI argument (e.g. ?SPX_UI_URI=/)


If you open the SPX UI, the SPX cookies will be automatically set in your browser. If you want to disable sending all requests to the SPX container, you need to clear the cookies.

In similar fashion to the reward shell command there is also an spx command to launch into an SPX enabled container shell for debugging CLI workflows:

reward spx

In this container if you run any commands those will be executed with the SPX profiling enabled.


To access the SPX UI, you need to navigate to the environment URL with the SPX_UI_URI argument set to /.

E.g.: https://m2.test/?SPX_KEY=dev&SPX_UI_URI=/

If you run reward info you will see the SPX UI URL in the output.


The SPX_HTTP_KEY environnment variable can be set to a value of your choice. This key will be used to authenticate requests to the SPX container.

It defaults to be dev.

If you configure the SPX_HTTP_KEY environment variable, you will need to pass the key in the URL to access the SPX UI.

E.g.: https://m2.test/?SPX_KEY=dev&SPX_UI_URI=/

But reward info will show you the correct URL to access the SPX UI.


Reference documentation for the SPX variables are available here.

The following variables can be configured using environment variables:

  • SPX_DEBUG - default: 1

  • SPX_HTTP_ENABLED - default: 1

  • SPX_HTTP_KEY - default: "dev"

  • SPX_HTTP_IP_WHITELIST - default: *