Initializing Laravel

Initializing an Empty Laravel Project

  1. Create an empty directory and a Reward Laravel environment

    $ mkdir ~/Sites/your-awesome-laravel-project
    $ reward env-init your-awesome-laravel-project --environment-type=laravel
  2. Sign a new certificate for your dev domain

    $ reward sign-certificate your-awesome-laravel-project.test
  3. Bring up the Reward environment

    $ reward env up
  4. Create the laravel project in the php container

    $ reward shell
    $ composer create-project --no-install --no-scripts --prefer-dist \
        laravel/laravel /tmp/laravel-tmp
    $ rsync -au --remove-source-files /tmp/laravel-tmp/ /var/www/html/
  5. Install the composer packages and create an app key

    $ reward shell
    $ composer install
    $ php artisan key:generate --show
    # Add the previously generated key to your .env file with your favourite editor
    # It should be added using the following format
    # Import the new .env content to the runtime environment variables
    $ source .env
    # Generate your config cache
    $ php artisan config:cache


    Now you can reach the project on the following url:


Initializing a Laravel Backpack Demo Project

  1. Clone the code and initialize a Laravel Reward environment

    $ git clone ~/Sites/demo
    $ cd ~/Sites/demo
    $ reward env-init demo --environment-type=laravel
  2. Sign a new certificate for your dev domain

    $ reward sign-certificate demo.test
  3. Bring up the Reward environment

    $ reward env up
  4. Install the composer packages and initialize the database

    $ reward shell
    $ composer install
    $ php artisan key:generate --show
    # Add the previously generated key to your .env file with your favourite editor
    # It should be added using the following format
    # Import the new .env content to the runtime environment variables
    $ source .env
    $ php artisan migrate
    $ php artisan db:seed


    Now you can reach the project on the following url:


    The default admin credentials are the following:

    pass: admin